Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

With the start of the new year, something of the old, must go.

And this year, I chose my fansub team.

To be honest, it is one of the most amazing experience I've had. Very fun and enjoyable when everything is done correctly.

However, as with fansubbing, not everything is done perfectly. There are times when the whole thing which mess up, and the whole thing blows up in your face.

And there's also a major problem.


It takes easily 6 hours to work on an episode, if not more. Simply time I do not have.

So, good bye, Fansubbing.

And Happy New Year.

New Year's Resolution:

-To break as many ridiculous New Year resolutions which I'll come up with sooner or later.


One thing I, or at least my brother is, annoyed with, is Creative's way of working.

Or, the lack of it.

During our vacation in Hong Kong, my laptop (which I brought for some unknown reason) is the only way to charge the MP3s and my phone. Apple and my Motorola phone charged easily, while the PSP had it's own charger.

The problem arose when we attempted to charge the Zen Micro.

Firstly, despite the fact that it could charge BOTH my Ipod and handphone at the same time, it simply refuse to charge the Zen.

That's not the issue here.

The issue here, is that when my brother wanted to get some songs out of his Zen before the thing dies, and into his PSP to listen, he found absolutely no way to access his songs on his Zen.


There was no way to download the Creative Mediasource center which was critical in management of the Zen micro. The official site merely stated it as "found on the installation CD".

So, if I have no installation CD, and I just happen to have a Zen, I'm quite screwed.

Oh, of course, we can talk about hacked firmware here, but with things like MP3 players, I don't like taking my chances.

Still, it is absolutely ridiculous. Ipod's iTunes can be downloaded more easily than frying an egg, and Creative's one only comes in a CD.

There's a reason why I'm using an iPod now.


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